mercredi 15 avril 2009

Il y en a de nous qui ont grandi jouant dans la boue,

Grimpant les arbres, attrapant des grenouilles. D’autres de nous étaient allergiques à la sueur, avait peur des hauteurs et le plus près que nous nous sommes approchés d’une araignée était en lisant le livre Charlotte`s Web!
Et là, nous avons commencé ce voyage appelé l’enseignement à domicile… Nos priorités, nos familles, nos vies et nos cœurs ont changé. Notre désir était que nos enfants aient quelque chose de différent, quelque chose de meilleur, quelque chose de plus. On voulait qu’ils puissent pouvoir regarder dehors et se perdre dans leurs pensées en observant un oiseau-mouche venant à la mangeoire. On a mis nos manuels de côté et prié qu’ils puissent être émerveillés par les petits têtards qui se changeaient en grenouilles juste devant leurs yeux. On a osé débrancher l’ordinateur en espérant qu’ils verraient le miracle, la poésie dans la chenille devenant un papillon….

Interroge les bêtes, elles t’instruiront, les oiseaux du ciel, ils te l’apprendront; parle à la terre, elle t’instruira; et les poissons de la mer te le raconteront; qui ne reconnaît chez eux la preuve que la main de l’Éternel a fait toutes choses? Il tient dans sa main l’âme de tout ce qui vit.
Job 12 : 7-9

Voici un manuel anglais qui m'a beaucoup aidé, vous trouverez ici le lien pour le télécharger :

This is homeschooling like you always envisioned!

Your children--eagerly involved in and awed
by the discovery and wonder of God's fascinating creation!

It's spring--a wonderful time to take your classroom outdoors
and find some delightful new ways to enjoy God's beauty through nature study!

Here's a huge compilation of inspiring ideas, enjoyable lessons, and living expeditions you'll want to try right away! The authors (20 amazing homeschool moms) will guide you through the ins and outs of everything you need to know ... and you'll love the 18 colorful scavenger hunt pages that are included!
E-Book: Creative Nature Study

Now is a perfect time to examine and enjoy the E-Book . . .

Creative Nature Study

Ideas to Jump-Start or Invigorate Nature Study in Your Homeschool

Which do you prefer . . .

A. Learn about birds through books and pictures?

B. Learn about birds through personal interaction--building a backyard feeding station, photographing or drawing, and writing about your discoveries?

Book knowledge is wonderful and thank God for books! But it isn't always enough. Creative Nature Study could add the perfect touch to your homeschooling adventure. Wouldn't you rather experience God's miracles first hand, learning all about His creatures and creation in an intimate fashion? It's the way we were intended to learn.

Would you like your children to:
  • Help your children grow in their relationship with and knowledge of our Creator?
  • Ignite in them a desire and need to know more about God's world?
  • Cultivate a natural curiosity and love of learning?
  • Experience more than one could ever imagine?

Nature study convincingly points us to our Creator God!

Creative Nature Study will help answer your many questions, such as . . .
  • How can you turn a backyard outing into a fun science lesson?
  • What do you do once you get outdoors?
  • Are formal nature study lessons always necessary?
  • How do you fit nature study into your busy schedule?
  • Does nature study lay the groundwork for all future science studies?
  • Why is it important to draw and write about personal experiences with nature?
  • How do you do nature study if you live in the city?
  • How do you incorporate it with other subjects like literature, science, and art?
  • What can you learn about God from studying nature?

There are so many great ideas you can utilize--imaginative walks, scavenger hunts, amusing games, creative projects--almost 100 pages of nature study investigation, facts, and fun!Only $12.45

Ready to buy Creative Nature Study?

Take a glance at the wonderful assortment of ideas, information, and projects shared in these chapters written by nature-loving, homeschooling moms just like you:

What is nature study and why do it? You know it's important. Discover why so many homeschooling moms are passionate about
including this study in their homeschools!
How to get started, where to go and what to pack: Glean from these experienced moms and their families as they share many
delights, lessons, nitty-gritty ideas, and explorations you can do too.
Creative Walks: Ideas that are just what you need to help you think outside the box like listening walks, nature in the night, I see God walks,

and more!
Creative Projects: Get in touch with the Master Creator in a truly unique way by making a bird-watching center, wildflower
identification books, and other exciting projects.
Creative Writing in Nature: Become inspired to try many new things that can instill a love of nature, and observation, a deep sense of the
Lord's hand in nature and encourage writing like you may never have
experienced with your children.
Nature Journal Ideas: Watch your children grow and learn through their telling of the nature around them and create a cherished memento of

their childhood. These projects will inspire those precious family fun
times too good to miss!
Scavenger Hunts Galore: It is an art to open young children's eyes to the wonders of God's nature all around them. Your children will be
thrilled by the fun ideas and activities included here, as they are
trained to see the world anew. 18 scavenger hunt pages are included;
perfect for notebooking!
Nature Study with Allergies or Asthma: Terrific ideas for special circumstances!
Meet the Contributors: Be introduced to the 20 inspiring moms involved in the making of this book!
Great Resources: Wonderful complements for your nature study enthusiasts such as a book list, internet links, and a TOS resource list!

Take a Peek at What's Inside!

Take a Look!

Welcome the opportunity to observe the wonders of nature with your children! Creative Nature Study will provide so many ideas and creative outlets for you to use in your homeschool this spring!

What other home educators are saying about Creative Nature Study:

"This E-Book is perfect for me. It's exactly what I'd been missing. I wanted something modern, some way to give ideas about how to do nature study with my children in this century. Don't get me wrong, I like the old fashioned stuff, but I wanted real-life application and ideas on how to do this now, with my children. This E-Book contains lots of fabulous stories about how other families study nature. They're all different. There are so many creative moms out there. It's so nice to take a peek into someone else's homeschool and see how they do it."
-Julie Ketter, TOS Research Panel

"By nature, I am a hands-on homeschooling mom. While homeschooling our five children, I learned that my children are most successful when they smell, taste, feel, perhaps even become what they are learning. So nature studies have always been a part of our lives. With that said, this book is an awesome resource, whether you are a veteran or brand-new homeschooler. Everything you need to know about how to conduct a nature study is included in this guide . . . inside this book, you have the blueprints to create wonderful learning opportunities for your children. Everything you need to know from supplies to location ideas. If you have ever had an inkling to start nature studies I would invest in this awesome resource!"
-Jennifer Southern, TOS Research Panel

"I am not a big 'outdoorsy' type Mama. I don't like cold (half our year), and I'm not fond of bugs (other half of year). So? My kids have not had the one element of a Charlotte Mason education that everyone says is so fundamental. Do I think they've suffered for it? Well, hmmm . . . maybe. I was eager to read Creative Nature Study--maybe it'd help me get over my inhibitions, but what I got out of it was so much more! There are stories of the real "Granola Mamas" who can just about live outdoors--all the way to those who have children with severe environmental allergies who are unable to spend hours and hours outside. You mean we come in all shapes and sizes AND nature-friendliness? I kept reading--and kept being inspired by mom after mom who took this thing we call nature study and made it her own . . . My favorite ideas? The "I see God Walks" and the Perpetual Calendar--and so many more incredible ideas than I can list! I give this one a thumbs-up for sure!"
-Shannon Ratcliffe, TOS Research Panel

"From the moment I started reading this book, I was so inspired. It made me realize what I have been missing out on for years . . . This book is a must-have if you have ever had the desire to do nature studies. There's something in here for everybody . . . There are so many suggestions, ideas, and resources included. You will be able to walk away and start some sort of nature study right away. In fact, I plan on trying out the wonderful idea of keeping a nature journal through a perpetual calendar this week! The end of the book includes a wonderful list of books, Internet sites, and materials available for sale at the TOS Store. This book will be a great resource to me for a long time."
-Heidi Miller-Ford, TOS Research Panel

Still not convinced this E-Book is for you?

Whether you are new to an intentional study of God's fascinating world or you've been frolicking in the field for years, the abundance of ideas and approaches to nature study found in these pages will happily engage your children in the fresh outdoors for days to come!

E-Book: Creative Nature Study
This is an incredible resource!
Order Creative Nature Study NOW!
Purchase Now!

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Coach et enseignant dans le département des affaires. J'aime, j'aime, j'aime cet homme! Il est un rayon de soleil pour toute la famille :-)

Aaron Kenneth

Aaron Kenneth
Ses ambitions: Devenir médecin pour aider les autres.

Keïla Marjorie

Keïla Marjorie
Ses ambitions: Prendre un cour de ESL pour enseigner l'anglais partout dans le monde et aider les pauvres.

James Alex

James Alex
Ses ambitions: Être photographe pour National Geographic et voyager partout dans le monde.


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